Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My sister Polly and I have decided on a name for our new company.  I have registered our domain name, started designing our website and blog.  I signed up for an e-mail account.  We are deciding on fonts and colors and styles.  I am writing, writing, writing for brochures, website, price lists.  We are planning how to organize our inventory.  We have been interviewing people in the field to learn more for our marketing plan.  We are very excited and jazzed up about our new venture!

And what happened?  Out of the blue I got an e-mail from a company to come in for a job interview.  I had a great conversation with the HR woman a couple of months ago, but my test scores didn't qualify me for the position they were filling at that time and she kept my resume...

A job interview is not a job offer, as I well know.  Tom, however, is expecting me to go after this job opportunity because it comes with full benefits.  Considering that I just paid $365 for a filling for Ally (she needs another filling done and I have been putting it off because, well, no dental insurance for the past 7 years...)  I can't say as I blame him for his insistence.

So, I finally have something I am excited about doing  AND I must go into an interview tomorrow afternoon and be convincing that I want to become an Insurance Verification Specialist.  Friends out there in blogland, please send out your positive thoughts.

One way or the other would be fine.


Lori R. said...

Cool... on the job interview! Can you do both, the sister thing and the job? Best of luck tomorrow and after working out in the gym as much as you have, I bet you are feeling even more fab about yourself. Confidence carries a person a long way... FULL BENEFITS, omg, you don't see that very often anymore....

jenn said...

Oh man, timing's everything, huh? I'm crossing my fingers for you. What's the new business venture with your sister? Sounds exciting!

smalltownme said...

Better to have two pieces of good news than two pieces of bad. Good luck with both!

Walker said...

Good luck Mama

knittergran said...

Wow---I hope whichever way you want this to work out is what happens!

hokgardner said...

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!

lisahgolden said...

I'm keeping a good thought for you!

Judy said...

Good luck! Isn't that always the way it goes? Feast or famine.

michiganme said...

it seems like you're in a win-win situation! May the force be with you. MIME