Friday, August 13, 2010


The last few weeks I have been wandering around  living in a maze-like existence.  It seems like whatever I start I run into a dead end.  Or I start off and get lost.  I set off with a map and then turn it around and around and still can't read it. 

Frustration abounds.

Maybe next week I will find my way...


jenn said...

I'm sorry to hear that things are tough right now. I know exactly what you mean about hitting dead end after dead end. I've been there, too. Feel free to vent ... we're happy to listen.

Wenderina said...

Must be in the air...I can so relate.

smalltownme said...

I understand...I've been in a mental maze too, not hitting dead ends but wandering, or more accurately wondering. The key to my maze arrived today. Good luck to yours.