Thursday, April 2, 2009


The Bay Area is experiencing a large migration of Painted Lady Butterflies. The little orange butterflies have been fluttering past and stopping in gardens to dine for the past several days. They have come up from the Southern California desert on their way to the Pacific Northwest. Seeing them careen through the skies is magical fun.

Last Spring I bought a freesia plant to put on the dining room table. I have loved the scent of the flowers since I was introduced to them in my friend's bridal bouquet - what is it now, Chris? Twenty-five years ago? When the flowers were spent, I planted the bulbs in the garden with no real expectation that they would come up this year - but they did. I now have a very fragrant little vase of them on my desk.

Last weekend I planted my Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes and another kind I can't remember of salad tomatoes. I planted parsley, basil and tarragon, too. I threw around some nasturtium seeds which usually yield a few nice trailing plants that serve, in part as ground cover and also make the veggie garden look nice. I like to grow Roma tomatoes, but my space is too small in this yard, so those come from the Farmer's Market all summer.

This year I remembered to buy snail bait. Last year my first basil was eaten down to the stems overnight! I had planted marigolds around my tomatoes last year to keep the tomato worms at bay - but they came anyway. I usually just pick them off, but I may resort to chemicals this year.

I had my first whiff of wisteria this morning. We have a huge wisteria plant that entwines itself through anything and everything. Tom calls it a killer because it has taken over a neighboring tree. Last year made it's way to our upstairs deck and was trying to find a gap in the slider and into our room! I had to hack it back to the railings. Then it found the drainpipe and wound it's way up to the roof. I cut the tendrils, but it is wound so tight I haven't been able to pull it all off yet.

I think it is worth it just to smell those flowers in the spring. Heavenly.


knittergran said...

I agree about the wisteria. We have some on the arbor over our deck, and each year it threatens to take down the deck. But we hack it back after flowering. The flowers drape heavily from the arbor and it's gorgeous.

smalltownme said...

I wish my wisteria would grow like that.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I love Wisteria. We had it in the house I grew up in. So nothing in the winter and so fantastic in the spring.