Monday, November 28, 2011


I've always liked clothes.  I learned to sew because It made it possible for me to have more clothes on my budget ( not something possible these days.)  I kind of gave up on being fashionable when I got so overweight and underfunded.

For some reason I became interested in buying some boots and trying the skinny- pants-tucked-in-boots trend.  I am concerned that skinny pants on my wide body may be a fashion don't - but I am going to give it a go.

I ordered a couple of tunic tops, some skinny black jeans and then set out to get boots.  That's when the trouble started.  I went to DSW with my coupon and none of the boots would zip up.  I had forgotten about the large calf issue.  Even when I was at my slimmest I had narrow feet, small ankles and shapely but muscular calfs.  Now they are even larger. 

I headed to the computer and shopped and shopped.  No one had my size in a black boot in the style I want.  I had ordered all those clothes with the boots in mind - I have to find boots!  I expanded my search and discovered some different terms for what I need and found a few pair on the Zappos site.  I couldn't tell for sure from the descriptions and review which pair was going to fit best so, due to their free shipping and returns policy, I ordered two pair.  This was on the night before Thanksgiving. 

On Friday morning FedEx delivered a huge box with the boots inside.  Ally was home and helped me pick the right pair, I returned the others this morning and now I await the rest of the outfits.  Hopefully I won't look silly, especially since the boots were quite a bit more money than I would normally spend!  That Ally didn't recoil in horror when I tried them on with my stretchy slim leg jeans makes me think I must have looked okay. 

I am being taken out for a birthday lunch later this week and I hope to fit in with my stylish sisters for the occasion.


knittergran said...

Your daughter recoils? Silently? Wanna trade? My younger daughter just says, LOUDLY, NO. When I start to argue that it is the outfit that I saw on the mannequin so it must be all right, she interrupts with NO. You may not leave the house wearing that.
Enjoy your boots and new clothes! I'm sure they look great on you!

smalltownme said...

Nice boots. I don't have much style any more. I used to dress nicely for my office job, but when I worked at the school and had to crawl on the floor tying shoelaces, it was jeans and t-shirt time.

hokgardner said...

I covet those boots. And I'm not the daughter who tells knittergran she can't leave the house in her outfits. That's the other daughter.

Anonymous said...

I love boots and think anyone who wears them has a sense of style. Unfortunately my bunion has no concept of style...

Nan said...

I also covet the boots. I have the same problem in finding boots that fit right -- why do boot designers think all women have legs like toothpicks?

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Those boots are great and I think they'll look terrific with the tunic and slim pants.