Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I have maintained my 2012 resolution to steer clear of gossip sites and TV and have become rather blissfully
Mia and Woody with Dylan and Ronin.
and mostly unaware of  many things.  I have occasionally made an effort to find out the details of some items that the media hyped up ( twerking); and  felt glad to be a bit in the know and also found that it was hard to turn it off once I opened myself to the subject.  So I have made more of an effort to remain unenlightened.

So when all the crap started up again about Woody Allen allegedly molesting his adopted daughter immediately upon an honor bestowed upon him at the Golden Globes - I did read this extremely informed and well researched and smart article published on the Daily Beast blog.  I recalled much of this information from the investigations which were done 20 years ago.

If you have any doubts that that young woman has been brainwashed and that Mia Farrow is still a self centered whack job - read it...


Nan said...

Mia's always struck me as being a self-centered airhead. I feel sorry for her kids.

This is kind of a digression, but I always wonder how she manages to maintain a celebrity lifestyle: the New York apartment, the house in Connecticut, etc. For someone who's had such a messed up personal life and who's adopted kids the way most of us would adopt pets, she must be pretty good at managing her money.

That whole herd of children she adopted is definite proof that money can buy you almost anything because she picked up six of them after the whole mess with Woody hit the fan. Why on earth would any family court allow placement of kids into what was on record as a volatile, unhealthy environment?

As for the current mess, I think Mia is fair game for criticism, but the kid isn't. If you've believed something since you were 7 years old, your pain is real.

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Interesting. Definitely food for thought.

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Here's an interesting rebuttal of Weide's article: http://www.slate.com/articles/life/culturebox/2014/02/woody_allen_and_dylan_farrow_digging_deeper_into_misleading_coverage.html

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I can't read anymore, but I think it happens more often than we know that women make things like this up.