Monday, September 17, 2012


My Nook died.

The guy at Barnes and Nobel said it would cost $140. to get a new battery.  A new Nook costs $149.

I was pretty sad about the whole thing.

Tom said - we'll get a new battery.  I told him the guy at B&N said the reason it is so expensive to replace is the difficulty - thus high labor cost.

Tom snorted and  found YouTube vido showing how to do it and a site selling the battery for $40.

It's on the way.  To be continued...


jenn said...

That's highway robbery for a battery! Hope you're able to do it yourself.

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

As an Eco Woman, I am delighted to read this.

knittergran said...

Are we somehow married to the same man?

Tricia said...

I had a dead battery on my former iPod and I too found the video on how to change the battery. Word of caution is look so easy in the video.....
I ending up getting a new iPod
good luck

Susan said...

I thought it looked pretty complicated but we agreed it was worth $40. to try to save $150. We can always sell the new battery if it doesn't work!