Friday, September 26, 2008


The street we live off is the main cut through to get to the high school, so unless we get out the door early, it is bumper to bumper with cars. Sometimes someone slows down to let us turn right into the traffic, more days not. So I force my way In or wait until there is a break in the flow.

So, these folks are using my residential street as a short cut, but don't have the manners to let the residents enter the road. Nice.
What floors me is that car after car zipping by has little emblems and bumper stickers proclaiming the folks inside the cars are "good" Christian people. My understanding is that these emblems are intened to identify the driver as a "witness" as explained here:

The VALIDITY of our witness will be shown in how we live our lives. Philippians 2:15 sets this goal for us: “ the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” The effective Christian witness will live his/her life above reproach in the power of the Holy Spirit, whose fruit we exhibit when we remain in Christ (John 15:1-8; Galatians 5:22-23).

So, I wonder about that when I am driving to work and the car in front of me has all kids of "witnessing" messages, yet they don't let merge the car stuck in the wrong lane - the driver signaling desperately trying to get over before being forced to turn left?

There was the woman behind me at Costco with her "Jesus loves me" lanyard who swings her cart in around to be first in the new lane when the clerk has asked the people who have been waiting longer to move over. Another day, three teens at the mall were swearing a blue streak and when I asked them please to watch their language around my children, swore at me. They were wearing t-shirts from a church teen group.

This is what I witness.

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