Friday, December 3, 2010


1.) Had my birthday this week.  Ally took me to breakfast and my sister took me to lunch so I couldn't kvetch much about making dinner - though Ally was incensed that Tom wasn't interested in taking me out!  The waiter at il Fornaio where we had lunch brought some ice cream with a candle.  I won't say what I wished for...but you can't win if you don't buy a ticket.  And yeah, someone else is going to have to wish for world peace...

2.)  Ally and I were talking about healthy foods and she told me that a girl in one of her classes was going on one day about how much she liked brown rice.  Ally said "Really?" to the girl (I have never been able to get her to eat it) and the girl said "Oh, yeah, I always order it when we get Chinese food."  Ally suggested that maybe she was talking about fried rice?  The girl said "It might be fried but it's brown."  Ally continues to be amazed by the cluelessness of her classmates...

3.)  I was looking through some Etsy gift Guides for some stocking stuffer ideas for Tom and Zac.  Men are so hard to buy little sticking stuffers for, compared to girls anyway.  Most of the stuff featured was way too metrosexual or hipster or expensive.  Then I found  this list "What He Would Like for Christmas."  Since the women wearing the lingerie don't come with it - I'm not sure my guys would appreciate it!  But a lot of it would certainly be small enough for a stocking stuffer.

4.)  Again I am working a job which takes me out of the house during the dinner hours.  My husband tends to fall apart if hot food isn't served on a plate to him each night.  Even though I leave instructions about what is in the frig to eat, he will make a sandwich or eat cold things directly out of the containers rather than go to the trouble of heating it and putting it on a plate.

 Last night I made his favorite Goulash in the crock pot.  I cooked the noodles and left them on the stove with instructions on how to warm them and serve up his dinner (Ally was working, too.)  I got home at 11:15 pm and the crock pot was still on - the goulash simmering away.  I guess I need to leave instructions about how to turn off the appliances and put the leftovers away, too.  Geez.

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