Friday, June 24, 2011


1.)  Just read in the paper that one of the booming products in "this tough economy" is liquor.  Said to be an inexpensive luxury item, say compared to a trip to Hawaii!  A great rum drink is like "taking a trip to the tropics."  Okay.  I guess that's another way of saying we are trying to drown our sorrows...

2.)  Ally has gone camping with her boyfriend and two other couples and we have not heard from her.  I am sure it is because there is no cell service and she has never heard of a land line or pay phone on which she could call her mother to reassure her that she is safe and using sunscreen.

3.)  Hurray!  My benefits have kicked in and we have already been to the doctor for Ally 3 times and gotten caught up on our prescriptions. 

Boo!  My benefits cost 2/3 of my paycheck.

4.)  Have you ever put yourself on the waiting list at the library for a bunch of new releases?  I have been using the library as part of my new "groceries are more important than books to some people" austerity plan.  Problem is that suddenly 3 of the books I waited for are all waiting for me at the same time.  Yikes.  Gotta read fast.  I am 75 pages into the new Elizabeth Berg - it's a good one!

5.)  I spent the day at SF State for Ally's orientation on Monday.  I was very irritated that the program for the parents was, as one staffer put it, "keeping you busy so the kids and staff can get their part done."  I am not a helicopter parent.  If there was not going to be a role for me, why suggest that I should be there?  The only thing that saved the day for me was that Ally got registered for her classes, she met a new friend and we had some time together.

Oh!  We ran into a girl who had been Ally's BFF in elementary school and early middle school.  After she moved away we made some long trips back and forth but eventually those stopped and the girls fell out of touch.  But there she was sitting a table away at the orientation!  They are going to the same school - out of all the schools in the country! 

I don't know if their friendship will be rekindled, but it was an amazing coincidence.

6.)  The Alameda County Fair opened this week and my sister and I are going for our annual visit to see the pig races and visit the animals, the gardens, and all the exhibits the kids don't even know are there because the Fair = carnival rides!


smalltownme said...

#4 -- I do that all the time...I've got 6 books right now and there are 2 more waiting at the library for me. The price of holds is going from 50 cents to $1 soon but that's still a cheap deal for me.

Tricia said...

I love the library. My mother was a great user of the library and I am too. Our library does not charge for holds.