Sunday, December 21, 2008


I am skipping the Sunday Supper Post because I spent all weekend making cookies - I will be taking a big platter to share at work tomorrow. Maggie made the gingerbread (double batch) and her sugar cookie dough on Friday night, I made dough for 3 more cookies on Saturday and Sunday I baked all day.

Part of the day I played Christmas music and part of the day we had the Seattle Seahawks football game on. We lived in Bellevue Washington for several years and had season tickets for the Seahawks in the old domed stadium. Our seats were so high up we could touch the ceiling of the dome.

Maggie is drizzling white and dark chocolate on sugar cookies. Zac just wants attention.

I bet they wish they had the dome today because they played in blizzard conditions. We reminisced about living there when it snowed - the kids loved it, I dreaded driving in it. But it was so beautiful and didn't stick around long enough get old.

Anyway. Cookies!!

These thumbprint cookies are rolled in coconut and filled with jam or Nutella. I also make rugelach (with cinnamon, almonds and mini chocolate chips) and gingerbread cookies with and without frosting.

Zac has added a comment here:

Zac is the favorite of the three children, with the most obvious talent, writing and arithmitic skills, and good looks. He derives all this from his mommy, who makes excellent dinners. His dad probably had something to do with it, but not much past adding some DNA to the equation. As for the other two children... lets not go there.

Maggie has added a comment here:

Hilda, the dog, is more likely to be described as the favorite of the three children. Zac is indeed talented(at bringing home laundry from college) has writing and arithmitic skills (but only if that means writing witty math jokes) and good looks (did he mention he has a twin sister? twin. as in looks remarkably similar).

Ally adds:

So now that you've recieved your entertainment for the night, here comes the truth; Ally is, of course, the perfect angel child, who is not only the most popular of the three, but the most attractive. I let my older siblings think they have the looks and the brains, but in reality, they don't stand a chance! But I'm not gonna lie, Hilda's got it going on...

My 3 clowns...


Anonymous said...

Too bad about the low self-esteem issues your kids have! lol

As for the snow, it's had a chance to get old. Day 5 and it still won't stop snowing...ugh.

Anonymous said...

Those cookies look wonderful. And your kids sound very familiar.