Friday, April 12, 2013


1.)  I watched the movie Hope Springs last night.  I heard contradictory reviews from friends so I wasn't sure if I would like it - I didn't.  It lacked credibility that 2 people in their early 60's would be so uptight and closed off sexually throughout their marriage

Because it wasn't just about drifting apart; much of the focus was on the narrow experience they shared (and the woman's efforts to resolve them.)  I am not saying that all of us who came of age in the 60's and early 70's were into sex, drugs and rock & roll as the myth goes, just that we were generally much more enlightened than these characters. 

2.)  And speaking of age.  The website IMBd, which has information on actors, is being sued by an actress who says she lost work when they reveled her age.  She had tried to falsify her age when she signed up, but they fact checked it, change the listing to reflect her actual age of 41 and she sued.

The most interesting thing about the suit is the judge's determination that ageism in Hollywood could NOT be introduced as evidence for the plaintiff.  I can understand that is not the direct issue - but it is the real issue, isn't it?

3.)  I have been having bouts of insomnia.  Most times I just get up and read until I feel sleepy.  I try not to watch TV but last night my Nook needed a charge so I checked out the TV options at 12:30am.  I ended up watching The Right Stuff  for probably the 7th time.  What a great movie - and a great book by Tom Wolff, too. 

Speaking of books - just finished our book club selection:  What Alice Forgot. Wonderful book.  Funny and thought provoking.

4.)  On my drive to work, right before Easter, I noticed that someone had put out some ceramic pumpkins on their porch.  The bright orange caught my eye.  They are still there and this morning I noticed that they added a fall foliage wreath to the door.  There is a story there...

1 comment:

smalltownme said...

I disliked Hope Springs for the same reason.