Thursday, February 26, 2009


As a long-time fan of the Oscars - I loved the show this year. I think Hugh Jackman was wonderfully entertaining and the way they presented the actor and actress awards was inspired. they actually made it an honor to be nominated.As a long-time fan of the Oscars - I loved the show this year. I think Hugh Jackman was wonderfully entertaining and the way they presented the actor and actress awards was inspired. they actually made it an honor to be nominated.


I drive to the gym every most mornings down a long stretch of road which runs between gravel pits and cement plants. There is one brief part where one of the abandoned pits was filled with water, stocked with fish and landscaped to create a very popular regional park. Today I saw a huge herd of goats Set loose to munch on the overgrown grasses. The sight of this made me inexplicably happy.


I have tried to see what is so interesting about "The Real Housewives of..." shows. I don't get it. I also don't understand why the Oxygen Network - Oprah's Network produces and promotes "Bad Girls Club." It seems that the women on these shows are encouraged to be trashy, ignorant and catty. I wish these women would refuse to play out such demeaning roles. Shame on Oprah.


I am really tired of hearing about "Octamom" and have refrained from commenting on the situation. I will say that the young mother is obviously in denial and as intelligent as some may find her, I say that love is not enough. Love is wonderful and life affirming, but it is not anywhere near enough.


I was unimpressed by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal's canned speech and especially with the riff on the monies being directed to volcano monitoring. The governor of a state still reeling from the results of a natural disaster should have have nothing but respect for those who seek to protect people and property with the ability to anticipate volcanic eruptions. Personally I would rather 140 million go to the Geological Survey, to pay for dedicated scientists, than to a bank or brokerage firm.

I will be very happy to put February behind me.


smalltownme said...

Good thoughts!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Did you see Jon Stewart's take on Jindal? Hysterically funny and spot on.

Bonnie said...

Hi Susan - thanks for stopping by my blog! I am enjoying reading yours. I think we have a lot in common. Did you read Dooce's momversation about Octo-mom? It was pretty thoughtful. I agree that some of the responses to the story have been way over the top. Who are we to judge? I'm with you, I will refrain from commenting!

Nice to meet you and thanks again!

Bonnie in Houston

lisahgolden said...

Goats! They know how to mow, that's for sure.

I've tried not to pay a speck of attention to the octo-mom story, but it's really quite hard to ignore completely.